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dbx 520 - Analog de-esser module

dbx 520
Logo dbx

Effective reduction of sibilants in singing and speech

Also ideal for instrument recordings against distortion, fret and string noise

Manually adjustable crossover frequency from 800 Hz to 8 kHz

Uniform de-essing independent of volume level

Compact housing in practical API 500 format

Recommended retail price
305,- EUR
dbx 520
dbx 520

The dbx 520 is a de-esser module for reducing sibilance in vocal and speech recordings.

In inexperienced singers or speakers, S and Z consonants (sibilants) are often overemphasized. It is therefore best to use a de-esser when recording voices. If sibilants occur, the dbx 520 takes corrective action in real time and automatically lowers their level.

Sibilance can also be caused by signal processing. It is often necessary to process the signal so that the voice appears more present during recordings and asserts itself better in the mix. To do this, high frequencies are specifically amplified and then the volume is lowered again with a compressor. Since sibilants are predominantly in the amplified frequency spectrum, they seem disproportionately loud and are perceived as annoying. Here, too, the dbx 520 is an indispensable tool.

A de-esser separates low and high frequencies. Only the high frequency range is processed and then reunited with the unprocessed part to form a signal. In order to change the natural sound as little as possible and not to take away the brilliance of the recording, the crossover frequency of the dbx 520 can be adjusted manually in a range from 800 Hz to 8 kHz.

The dbx 520 can also be used when recording cymbals and instruments. Disturbing distortion, fret and string noise can be effectively reduced (HF Only Mode). Conventional de-essers have a threshold control, so that it is necessary to readjust in case of strong volume differences (whispering/singing). In contrast, the dbx 520 provides automatic and smooth de-essing, regardless of volume.

Technical Data
