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JBL VTX B18 - Compact, flyable 18" high power subwoofer

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2288H chassis with dual coil drive, extremely strong neodymium magnet and carbon fiber machined diaphragm for very high efficiency

Flyable subwoofer system, compatible with VTX A8 (also Cardioid)

2+2 Speakon connectors on rear and front (Cardioid), pin assignment switchable for optimal cable utilization

Acoustically compatible with all VTX products


The JBL VTX B18 is a flyable, high-power 18" (2288H) subwoofer designed to complement VTX systems. Its flying hardware is directly compatible with the VTX A8 line array.

The new 2288H 18" driver uses the latest and extremely strong neodymium alloy. Together with the dual voice coil and carbon reinforced diaphragm, a very high efficiency and max SPL is achieved. The wide frequency response of the B18 rounds out the frequency range of the VTX A8 both downward and overlapping upward. The overlap allows flown JBL VTX B18 subs to extend the line array line and expand the resulting cylindrical wave in the relevant range.

The special lateral flight hardware also allows for 180° rotated flight operation. Thus, modern cardioid configurations can also be integrated in the flown array.

Thanks to the M20 flange, the B18 can also be used as a base for stacking A8 elements (A8 Base Plate optional) or for satellite systems.

Technical Data

