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JBL Intellivox HP DS370 - Active speaker array with a range up to 50 m , 370 cm

Logo JBL

High-power sound line for high level requirements at long distances

2-way design for wide frequency response and audiophile reproduction of speech and music

DDS technology allows free programming for exact adaptation to listener areas

DDA and WinControl software for creating individual presets and for remote control and monitoring in the network

Weatherproof to IP-55 for outdoor applications

Recommended retail price
38.010,- EUR

The Intellivox HP DS series consists of two models with lengths of 170 cm and 370 cm. They are active, 2-way sound arrays for very high level requirements. Typical applications are indoor and outdoor sound reinforcement (IP-55) such as train stations, airports, stadiums, sports arenas, large auditoriums, large churches, exhibition halls, conference centers etc.

Both models are equipped with DDS (Digital Directivity Synthesis) technology. In this process, the emitted beam is decisively adapted to the area to be sounded. An FIR filter set ensures that each driver receives its own calculated signal and thus, in interaction, the radiation is optimized exactly for the given listening area. Areas such as the back wall of a room can be defined as areas not to be covered, which is taken into account when calculating the DSP parameters (beam shaping).

The DDA (Digital Directivity Analysis) software makes it possible to simulate and optimize the radiation characteristics of JBL Intellivox systems in a 3D model. With the WinControl software, JBL Intellivox systems can be programmed and monitored.

Technical Data

